Thursday 21 April 2016

Meet real angel of death

Ayyub Faleh al-Rubaie, known by his nom de guerre Abu Azrael (Arabic: ابو عزرائيل‎, literally “Father of Azrael”), also known as the “Angel of Death”, is a commander[1] of the Kataib al-Imam Ali, an Iraqi Shi’a militia group of the Popular Mobilization Forces that is fighting ISIL/ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) in Iraq.[2].killed around 1500 ISIS fighters

 He has become a public icon of resisting ISIL in Iraq among Shia Iraqis with a large following on social media.[3] His motto and catchphrase is “illa tahin” (إلى طحين), meaning “Grind you to dust”, that is, he would pulverize ISIL militants until nothing remains of them but powder.

He was a former militia member in Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army[4] which fought against the United States during the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.[5] .
Battles fought 

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